Immigration, Amnesty, and Nullification Issues Washington DC

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Photo Credit the Lone Wacko Blog

The Issue for Nullification:
Presently Americans, both north of the border and south of the border are now comming to a point in " our " histories in which " our " future relations are going to be dramatically changed.  There is, now, no stopping this.
This site is developed with the intent to explain why we are both in a era of denial, and the reflects the central necessity for a period of relection and close examination under a new term ...
Nullification ,,, 
There is an historic connection, along with a historic warning, to what the decling Eastern and Western Roman Empires had likewise confronted with their own immigrant crises with the agricultural peoples of the Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, Heruli, and Orthogoths around 310; these peoples were used to farm great northern Roman  estates.


Website Mission:

The additional aspect of the present political discorse of Illegal Immigration is the opportunity for expenditure reforms within the Agancy for International Development, as well as facilitating more physical conservative policies of the World Bank. Often, and veruy much like the US Congress adding admendments to each bill to help their constituency back home, foreign service professionals as well as Presidential negotition have used the funding coffers of the Agency for International Development as political wedge.  From the World Bank [ though limited in giving out sduch information ] these funds have not matched the expectations in which even the US Congress would appove-though in their own delaing with legislation are not innocent themselves.
What this relects and the central factor for Nulification is that it would lower the present ethoc of fear and personal anxiety of these peoples, and at the sametime keeping a respectful on existing laws.  This allow legal space.
Why Legal Space.
Presently most funds from the AID is allocated on a system and methods of where the information comes from.  Here they have to deal with the present officals of each country - who like all politicans have their own agenda-especially to stay in power or maintaining the degree of popularity they experience within their own countries.  None more to the less, the present immigrants are a netter source of where development is actually needed - its at the core of why they have had to make their trek north.

Central issues of why we are successful and to extend this south of the border through the illegal immigrants themselves.
The nature and crux of not only our liberities but more so the authenticness of " our " revolution rest solely of the ....
Liberation of the Middle Class ...
Moreover, and most important, as we learned through the unexpected benefit, the massive expansion of American wealth, of the G.I. Bill of Rights just after World War II is ...
to create a system of further inculsions of others into the Middle Class - an inclusionary sociocultural and socioeconimc discoruse.

We are in period of opportunity only if we do not go fool hearty into a poltical discouse which from a South American laborers point of views has the potential of socioculturally tansforming the United States into the future object their national hate.
The opportunity comes from a central understanding in the opportunity of the energies, and personal commitments in which the illegal immigrants are making to come north of the border, and from which they could be likewise transformed into future partners of hemispheric prosperities.
This all stars by the recognition of the status quo
The Economic [ Agriculturally based. ] Nulification which has up to now have protected them.  The urgent factor for this is the price of
This reflect recent increases in the prices of these vital food stocks, and as a result has inflicts harsher burdens upon the American poor - who really can not keep with these increases. The roots causes are relected in present attempts, sometimes too successful, at law enforcement, and the loss of labor [ There are growing anxieties within the immigrant population of where they should go and find work, or who they should work for. ] which had traditionally kept these prices under slower increases.
Both the agricultural economy, along with its vital exports to maintain the present national balance of trades, and with all countries, those of Latin America, and the American poor are locked into this very disjointed national political discourse. 
Likewise, and not even relected anywhere within Americana is that the border barrier is now being seen as  the Latin American Iron Curtain, and as such seen a future target for immediate aggression. South American Political Science Academians are now alarm, and foresee future conflicts are even war!

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