
Celebration of Life: The living enjoyment of have a good time and appreciating
the society and culture in which one lives and works is what festivals promotes. More importantly it gives a time in
which people actually communicates through their talents and abilities important living traditions which gives a peoples their
Festivals are the primary Intercultural Communications Events in which the community seeks through its labors to
bringing about such events. It is here where everyone get together and to share their common cultural experiences and
future aspirations.

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Email: ithacafalcon@aol.com |

At several College and University campuses, several International Students
/ Scholars have banded themselves into recognized student groups. First this was a means to keep in touch with ones
home, as the human connection between fellow citizens help'ed in the sociocultural transition. None the less, and more
importantly, these groups started to initiate their own social and cultural programs. The ripple affect within the sociocultural
academic ethos was awesome as it created a high character representation of their homeland and peoples and resulted in
long term relationships after graduation with Americans. Americans who got an up-front cultural education as a direct
emotional consequence of freindships they and the International Students / Scholars formed together. In several instances,
both in the private, as well as in the political sector these freindships had even a more profound impact on the American
national consciousness in its foreign relations. See the International and National Cultural Fiesta
Movement web site.
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Ithaca, New York |
WebMasters and Business concerns who are successful can already verify the one leading aspect to their business development
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Place on email subject: InterCultural Communications.
Please advise likewise at latinadanza@aol.com concerning your dance interests or essay which covers Los Angeles, California.
Mr. Roger M. Christian, Ithaca, New York |
There are numerous types of festivals in the world. Though many have religious origins, others involve
seasonal change or have some cultural significance. Also certain institutions celebrate their own festival (often called "fests")
to mark some significant occasions in their history. These occasions could be the day these institutions were founded or any
other event which they decide to comemorate periodically, usually annually.
Seasonal festivals: Seasonal festivals are determined
by the solar and the luna calendars
and by the cycle of the seasons. The changing of the season was celebrated because
of its effect on food supply. Ancient Egyptians would celebrate the seasonal inundation
caused by the Nile River, a form of irrigation,
which provided fertile land for crops. In the Alps, in autumn the return of the cattle
from the mountain pastures to the stables in the valley is celebrated as Almabtrieb.
A recognized winter festival, the Chinese New Year, is set by the lunar calendar, and celebrated from the day of the second new moon after the winter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Press Releases also wanted for: |
Dance Ithaca E - Magazine: Central New York's first Online Dance E - Zine publication. You want
this audience attention you will have to first go here and get your dance news items published.

of Dance Visions: World of Dance Visions started as a special to Dance Ithaca E - Magazine, then it focused on Ballroom Dance Champions
as well as for Latin / Salsa. It is now the news gathering site for city dance companies, and new dance teachers to
send their dance news to. This is then linked to Dance 4 American as like an online bureaus for each community this
online publication. More importantly Dance
4 America Online Publications, D.B.A. was like established as separate to Tri
Falcon and Dove Dance Academy, D.B.A.. |
Dance ithaca E - Magazine