One of the youth central locations - in traditional lore - is Dizengoff Street. This is where the city got
its first International socio-cultural remown among both American and Eruopeans alike. Dizengoff Street is an example of how
a street has become instantiated in a city’s collective memory.
Here on Tel Aviv 4 Fun website you get a feel of the lovely cafes which lines its sunshine of hope and life district of this International

Very Much like South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida Hayarkon Street is Tel Aviv's hotel row.
With pleasant Art Decos, Tradional Middle Eastern Designs all the way to super modern architecture, this area of Tel Aviv
is still growing. But now - a - days going straight up instead of outawrd sprall.
Architects' Cultural Zionism here firms like
tel: 972-3-6206164 Ha'avoda 6 st. Tel-Aviv Israel
are taking
great care in their efforts to make this city of real portal of living a life full and in visual comfort and beauty as they
grace this city with their designs.
[] WebSite []
The city's Art Trail:
Anat Shalev Tal Esther Gallery, Tel Aviv, IL Israel
Over the last year, Anat Shalev has payed close attention to what
women do. What kind of roles they take on themselves, at home, together with the family or alone. Working mainly with collage
techniques, she has staged herself in various scenarios to base the works on. Using magazine and paper wraps to create the
textures and coloration that will exemplify best the materiality of the different surfaces, and fusing that with drawn figures,
she attempted to create a series of characters that best describe the different roles that women act out: the mistress, the
mother, the devoted wife, the strong ambitious career woman, the explorer, and more. - Read Indepth Article at http://www.absolutearts.com
Instant Art Show.

Tikvah E - Magazine [ SubWebsite ] With a fcous on cultural aspects of Zionism and Israeli life.
International Cultural Resources :


Dance Cities:
Tel Aviv
Ballet and Modern Dance Cities ~ Ballroom Dance Cities ~ Belly and Folk Dance Cities ~ Hip Hop and Modern Jazz Dance Cities ~ The Latin / Salsa Dance Cities ~ Swing Dance Cities . Salsa Wild of The Falcon and Doves Dance Troupe . The audition moto of this dance troupe is Experience helpful, but note necessary, in as much as each
member is auditioned for which assigned division - Amateur - Pro Amateur - Professional. A full cultural affirmative developmental

Israel Information Center Index:
The Main WebSite Israel Information Center ithaca
[ WebSite ].
MSN GroupSite Israel Information Center Ithaca - Networking { GroupSite ]. This is to generate potential volunteers, that they too can create their own information centers.
Tripod.Com Israel Information Center Ithaca [ WebSite ]. A WebSite which operates like Blog - Blogger magnet in which cultural, spiritual, social, and at time political
which are Pro-Israel are linked UPON.
AOL HomeTown - Israeli Tikvah Israel Information Center [ WebSite ]. This is the sociopolitcal Website in which a coalition is suggest within the Middle East region of all Non-Arabic
Peoples who have suffered under " The Dhimitude. "
Yahoo - Geocities.Com Israeli Tikvah [ WebSite ]. The main INTERNET cultural zionist resource website in which all other affiliate websites are linked to.
Tikvah [ WebSite ]. Western and Central New York's only on-line e - magazine.
Foundation For Arab Israeli Rconciliation MSN Group. Here is a growing dialogue MSN group between Arab and Israelis, among
others who discuss on how to seek sociocultural, socioeconomic and ethnocentric commonality within in psotive framwork of
discovery - only, as this group is being moderatored - inder a strict code of self-humility, to excluded harsh, negative,
and hate centered rethoric. For membership [ See Website ].
Out Sourcing - In sourcing ~ Information Links:
Roger's Online Diary Fall 2005 [ WebPage ]
The developing series of networks within the Middle East
An Inter - City Cultural Communications website program between the citieas of Cairo, Eygpt, and Ithaca, New
York Based upon the principles of cultural democracy. [ Asian - Quest website ] ~ Alexandria Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ~ Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ~ Beirut Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ~ Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ~
Photo of the Middle East
Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. Beirut Night Life ( NightLife
), RMC. Cairo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ),
RMC ...
A Modern City of Grace and Rich Culture.
Tikvah ( Kidon ben Avramchaim )
B - 104 University Park Apts
87 UpTown Road
Ithaca, New York 14850
607 - 279 - 9945

The Love Web Site for University Students / Scholars. Just click on the gif logo
Recent You Tube Videos on Tel Aviv NightLife.
Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Art Gallet - Galleries, Artists, and Art Studio Guide [ WebSite ]
WebSite ~ To Take Flight and Dance |

Click on photo! |
Infra-Web Links:
Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY [ WebSite ] Copenhagen Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ WebSite ]

Tel Aviv Blogs:
They tell the real story.

Tel Aviv 2 daily photo |
People helping people live in Israel
This service is *free*
However if you feel that you have benefited from this service then you are invited to give a donation to the Frankforter
Day Center for the Elderly, Jerusalem. Donations may be made out to Agudat Ezra Lekashish acct no. 12-105-959-456 at the First
International Bank or directly to The Frankforter Center for the Aged, 80 Derech Bet Lechem, Jerusalem, POB 10074.
Flathunting has expanded services into; http://www.flathuntingisrael.com/ where ads have pictures enabled, you can rate both the apartment AND the owner! The listings now include the entire country
listed by city and even neighborhood.
Or join the group and get up to date listings @
Goegypt.org Egypt tours, cruises, Vacation and hotels in Egypt and rich information
about Egyptian history, visa, airlines, great shopping in Egypt and a useful links about Egyptians and tours to Egypt we also
offer trips to Israel and Jordan.
Join US ----
Persian Gulf Veterans | |
This Persian Gulf Veterans website is part of Operation Proud to Serve of Ithaca, New York.
This is to foster easy social and cultural reintegration of returning veterans to Ithaca - Tompkins county, give support
to local service men and women, as well as their families residing within Central New York. Moreover, it is to assist
in the development of additional support networks by promoting more social and cultural opportunities at the same time | |
