Ithaca, New York Downtown |
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Email: danceithaca@aol.com
Latin Dance Classes Ithaca is an extension of Ithaca Night
Life ( NightLife ), RMC website and is to foster additional indepth Inter - City Cultural Communications between selected global
cities, and Ithaca, New York. Thus through various promotional means within the Internet and the creation of additional
sub topics, online essays and story shorts, and website portals these connections are getting stronger as a result.
The emails, which prompted this website, I have gotten have already proven this point very clearly and dramatically-though
I do not like the frustrating spammers which seems to follow my every move.
From your point of view and if you have an online site which shows interests in Latin / Salsa
dance then you are likewise invited to do a reciprocal link exchange by email me at ithacafalcon@aol.com . More importantly, I take great pride in helping those who are new to the Internet.
The addtional links down below are gotten from various search engines. Howover, additional
efforts and text information about their efforts in Latin dance in Ithaca, New York will be likewise promoted once they have
responded by placing this site url onto their sites.
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Find more photos like this on Latin Dance Master U.S.A.
Gift Certificates are now being sold: From $ 20.00 - 4 classes program to $ 1,480.00 complete social dance program [ 48 Classes and 24
Privates ] and more.
Call 451 - 8663 or 279 - 9945, and if you have a caller id block please leave a voice mail message,
Thank you.

Blogs, Bloggers, and Journal Site:
Salsa Dancing: A Blog facilitated for keyword searches, and exploration of the thin roots of an actual musical movement known
as Salsa Musica.