The basic organization of this site, and how to use the format:
Step One: This is the subject of the process of the intial discovery being developed in science, or an advance
in technology ( which may be related to the initial discovery process made by scientific research ).
Step Two: Accurate information concerning this aspect of discovery is review by the reviewers who are assigned
( volunteered ) in their fields of expertise. A close reviewers only forum is established for this purpose.
Step Three: Then both the discovery process and its review is open for discussion and publication. Open Forums
for discussions are developed for this purpose and as asuch are monitored to eliminate spam. Along this site: published
items will be the resources links to web sites and published papers on each focus and its various aspects..
Step Four: This is the proposed section which deals with the further public policy implications in both the basic
scientific research and the resulting technologies it has inspired.
All through this process support forums are interjected to lend a large field of knowledge in which a coherant focus
is made on some of the most volitale and dangerous aspects within the discovery processes, and their further implications
to the security of society itself. All of which is critically examined and acted on by this sites publication;thus the
need for ethical reviews are maitained as open forums.
Data flow into the Matrix:
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