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Comic Relief gets IT ready for donation deluge
Case study: How Red Nose Day's website copes with "peaky" traffic
Tags: web traffic, traffic, red nose, websites
By Gemma Simpson
Published: Thursday 15 March 2007
Comic Relief has revamped its website and IT infrastructure to cope with its increasingly tech-savvy fundraisers.
Supporters are using the charity's website more often to donate and fundraisers are getting web 2.0 friendly - downloading photos and videos of their efforts - putting more pressure on its infrastructure.
Martin Gill, head of new media at Comic Relief, told "All those things - supporting what [the
users are] doing, doing our own stuff or giving them applications where they can provide a bit of information about themselves
and get tools to help them raise money - lead to additional burden on our platform."
The charity expects between 1.2 and 1.3 million donations to come in on the Red Nose night alone, with the
lion's share being split between the charity's website and the 13,500 call centre operators employed to take donations.
The infrastructure can now deal with 20,000 transactions per second. The old
system was only able to cope with 800 per second...
The infrastructure is also dealing with even more data as the charity's call centre moves to a computer-based
system to register and check pledges.
The charity has opened up its back office with 10,000 operators using a computer system to input donations
– and the other 3,500 sticking with the previous paper and pen-based system.
Gill said: "The challenge is transactions appear in a very peaky way between 19:00 and midnight [of Red Nose
Day] so there's a huge volume of what potentially can be very dense traffic."
To help cope with such peaks - usually due to a surge of TV viewers reacting to a certain clip on BBC One's
fundraising show - the infrastructure can now deal with 20,000 transactions per second. The old system was only able to cope
with 800 per second.
The charity's two data centres have also streamlined the load-balancing and security of transactions, to speed
up the process of supporters inputting their credit card details into the website or via call centre staff.
Gill said if things get sticky and slow down then donors start to get concerned about the security of their
He added this has the knock-on effect of call centre operators having to deal with worried donors - rather
than taking money from other people.
The Red Nose Day website expects to have around two million registered users by the main day - 16 March, 2007
- with those users wanting to do more via the Comic Relief website, putting additional pressure on the charity's IT infrastructure.
Users can already create blogs and put photos on the site. Around 4,000 events and sponsorship pages were
created on the site in its first month of opening (it launched on 1 February).
Comic Relief is planning to use social networking more in future fundraising events and has approached the
likes of YouTube to start pushing punters to support the charity. It has already joined forces with teen-based site Piczo to encourage a younger audience to get involved |
College students listen to the news, and the news is: Big Brands are Uncool. The age group is characteristically
rebellious, but as it becomes more aware of the "everywhereness" of big brands, it sees patronizing these businesses as decidedly
Journalists and trendspotters such as Naomi Klien have been following the trend for some time, and have found
clusters of youth around the country who purposefully avoid big brands. "In a lot of cases, I don't want to have a brand that
everyone knows about," says Daniel McCoy, a senior at The University of Texas at Austin. "If you look around, you see everyone
wearing the same thing from the same store -- nobody's different."
Even though Daniel is in the minority, more and
more youth are beginning to follow suit. "Unbranded" clothing companies such as American Apparel are gaining popularity. The
company is opening new stores at breakneck speed.
And the avoidance of big brands is happening with more than clothes.
Companies such as, whose inventory of women's bath products comes from small, boutique vendors, are also seeing
an increase in popularity. Instead of carrying the big names in bath products, sells soaps, scrubs and perfumes
only from obscure, unique outfits with names like "Calypso" and "Little Twig."
Brick-and-mortar retailers are becoming
more open to buying products from small, understated brands, but the internet seems to be the storefront for these micro-brands.
Lush 12445 Magnolia Blvd, Valley Village, CA 91607 (877) BAT-LUSH Contact: Dominique Rose
Dominique R. Salamone started Bath Lush after designing her own stylish wrappings for bath products. Today, Bath Lush
operates a retail store in Valley Village, California, and also sells its decorative wares on-line at |
(openPR) - Los Angeles, CA - A year of researching online protections and databases has yielded
a privacy-protected, registered-users-only, online social network for college and graduate students alike. COLLEGE TONIGHT
is a provocative moniker for a revolutionary change in the way young people network, and is poised to usher in the next generation
of student-to-student messaging and socializing.
A recent Emory University graduate, a finance executive, a marketing
specialist and a computer sciences expert have conceptualized a free, online network that actually promotes socializing, as
opposed to a sedentary lifestyle that other social networking sites have lassoed users into. Illuminating the local nightlife
that surrounds each school, COLLEGE TONIGHT centralizes on the phrase heard at universities around the world, "What are you
doing tonight?" COLLEGE TONIGHT is the only nightlife networking site on the internet. In addition to bringing students the
hottest information and special discounts, the site has various innovative features such as the Crush Calculator, Personal
Entourage, a Hook-Ups feature, Your Shots, Social Polling, a Social Calendar, and even a Vacation feature.
The newly-launched
COLLEGE TONIGHT website also includes a ground-breaking messaging system, shout-outs, individual profiles; a rumors section,
developed groups, and even a never-before-seen Social Ticker, much like ESPN's "Bottom Line," that scrolls across the top
of the site, updating you on your friends' social activities in real-time.
COLLEGE TONIGHT is private and safe. Only
those registered with a proper .edu email address can access private profiles. COLLEGE TONIGHT'S user rules discourage engaging
strangers, and others whose identities cannot be confirmed, from joining the site. Former FBI agent John Douglas - who helped
modernize profiling for the organization, is the security advisor and has written a personalized message to the users in the
site's security section. Every effort will be made to identify imposters and scammers. Furthermore, since COLLEGE TONIGHT
does not share its users' information, it transcends all other forms of linking college students to one another.
more information or interview opportunities, please contact:
Zachary R. Suchin at 404-433-5720 or 818-769-8400
Faxes can be sent to 818-505-0110.
College Tonight 12747 Riverside Drive, Suite #208 Valley Village,
CA 91607 Zachary R. Suchin 404-769-8400
COLLEGE TONIGHT is the only nightlife networking site on the internet. COLLEGE TONIGHT is a provocative
moniker for a revolutionary change in the way young people network. |