Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

Leadership - National - International

International Cultural Fiesta Movement - H. Q. Ithaca, New York
Main resource WebSite. Click on the lovely woman with the black hat !

The City of Ithaca Arts Scene.
The city of ithaca, New York has one of the highest per-capita
of art galleries, studios, and artists when compared to major urban centers. Moreover, with several second floor art
studios located at the Ithaca Commons, the resulting overflow of creative and diverse art forms has penitrated most of the
downtown businesses. The results has cause the Ithaca downtown businesses themselves to become mini art galleries.

The City of Ithaca, New York a major academic center.
The city of Ithaca, New York has one of the top world class and Ivy League institutions of higher education, Cornell
University. Moreover, with Ithaca College concentration on being a teaching pedagogy, its focus on the arts
( especially music ), these two institutions has made Ithaca very unique. Furthermore, TC3 allows others another path
to higher education. Indeed a very impressive community combination. RMC

National and International Initiatives in Dance :
National Dance Week Ithaca ~ The National and International Social Dance Registry ~ Ballroom Dance Cities ~ Swing Dance Cities ~ The Latin / Salsa Dance Cities ~ Ballet and Modern Dance Cities ~ Hip Hop and Modern Jazz Dance Cities ~ Belly and Folk Dance Cities .