Handwerker Art Gallery
Ithaca College
The City of Ithaca,
New York:
One of the unique features
of the cultural life of the city of Ithaca, New York is the large scale diversity of art, artists, and places in
which to hang, and house art of every description. The Arts Trail gives just one example
of this central truth'ism. Moreover, on the scond floor of various building in downtown Ithaca, there are several art
studios. Thus one can see why Ithaca has one of the highest per-capita of art galleries, studios and artists when compare
to major urban centers. RMC.
ArtDance.US - Introducing Art of Dance and Landscapes by Karen Kucharski.
Shelton's Animated Gif |
National Portrait Gallery ( U.K. )
Click on the benner below for special exhibit on dancers - performers
at the Gaiety Theatre, Aldewych, U.K. during the Early 1900s.
National Portrail Gallery ( UK ) |
Abstract Art Gallery of original contemporary paintings by widely exhibities
New York Artisit Lynne Taetzsch, including articles on selecting art for your home and understanding abstract art.
Link Exchange Program.
Online Fine Art Gallery ContourGallery - Gallery of decorative and figurative art. Available in Limited edition, original paintings and posters,
AOL = Ithaca Night Life, NY [ WebSite ]
Gabibullaev Gabibulla |
Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ]
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