
Daria's email

Home | gifs | New Page One | Work Sheet No. One: | Work Sheet No. Two | Work Sheet No. Three | Work Sheet No. four | Work Sheet No. Five | Daria's email | Robin Lamb Homes | Robin's Header: | Ithaca Dance Classes Work Page | clock workpage | Agreements | Link Preparations: | latin dance classes dances | Online forms work page: | Mambo | Son Montuno | Guaracha | Cha Cha Cha / Chas Chas Chas | Son | Son de Cuba | Danzon: | Bolero: | Merengue | Bachata | Cumbia: | Paso Doble: | Pachanga | Bossa Nova | Samba: | Lambada: | Argentine Tango | Flamenco: | Artes líricas de Baile de Latín | Webliography | Essay | Links: | * | Blank page | Blank page | Blank page defense | Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Directory | pdf conversion

Your pages look great. Looking forward to flash work when I get up there. (September) Do what you can but what I need now is a link to the A&E network show called "Driving Force" Put the link on the girl racer page and use it as the lead story (top of the page) Pull some pictures off it if you can. They we happy last time we linked with them (biography channel is the same team) so they shouldn't mind.
Great job. Will need a pay pal account for Mics and RHF. Let me know how we can do that soon. thanks

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Bejtulla Islama
If this is a serious intent, then you will have to go to the nearest American consulate and inform them them of your intent, and have them, after they will be qualified as a source, contact me.  If this is for real, then Cornell University has some interesting avenues.  But you have to show you are legitimate issue.
Mr. Roger M. Christian'
However, if this is not for real, then be informed that after two weeks this email will be forwarded to Homeland Security, plus its present tracks.
NSA cleared 1966.
<br><br><br><br><br><BLOCKQUOTE style='BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px'>
---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------<br>
<b>Subject : </b>local issues<br>
<b>Date : </b>Sun, 27 Aug 2006 08:33:17 -0400<br>
<b>From : </b>Tripod Mailer &lt;;<br>
<b>To : </b>&lt;;<br>
name: bejtulla
<br>comment: hello and how are you,i am bejtulla islamaj from kosovo and i am 21,i wanna to write you and to ask from you if you can to help me to come in your university and to strudy there,because i am not good economicaly,i hope you to help me ,becasue if you help me to come in your university and to study after i will finoish studing,i will work for you and i will pay all money what you spent for me.Please help me because i need your help more than never.

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