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New York City NightLife
ithacafalcon@aol.com ~ Thank you.
The is a portal and an Internet traffic website to assist New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC in its ratings
In the United States of American New York City has the largest concentration of the arts, commercial
industrial diversity, sports conglomerate,and religious diversity in conjunction with various entertainmentm entertained and
financial institutions. This bring to the sprall of mixed ethnic populations the opportunities for incoming job seekers
and future merchants of this growing city where everything is up -wnating to get higher.
The sense and smells of rich historic traditions, its various order of the rustic of the several era all compacted in
several museums gives you the feel of what a New Yorker is, both past, present, and far into the future. The various
differences among the complex assortment of the city's ethnic population assures comptetiveness will be ongoing and exciting.
Mr. Roger M. Christian's interpretation, July 1st, 2007, Ithaca, New York.
This is the accurate picture of New York City today. .
Roger M. Christian On this home page we'll introduce our web site's mission and highlight important areas
in New York City.
New York City's Leading Events
New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Special
Events WebSite Sectionals:
This website, New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC is going more indepth in its converage of what
can be dome at night. And if you know the city has alot to offer!
Though " Under Construction " the first three sites already have their URLs:
One: New York City Concerts: This is at a glance topic which represents New York Citys Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Jazz, Blue, Rock concerts
and much more.
Two: New York City Concerts and Entertainment: This is a brief of major concerts, and entertainment which New York City is known for. Thus this is at a glance,
which will be a job in itself, topics which best represents New York City's Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC within these entertainment
Three: New York City Entertainment: This is at galnce topics which represents New York City's Night Life ( NightLife ), Symphonic Concerts and Orchestra
Achivements, Chamber Music, and more historic cultural coverage of the Arts.
Traffic Stop: New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC |
Traffic Stop is an On - Line program to assist local, national and International law enforcement officials in their
efforts to stop ....... | | |
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Welcome to New York City!
New York City Night Life, RMC ( Mr. Roger Meredith Christian ) depicts the action and luster of the night life in New
York City. This is just a taste of what really goes on. Moreover, this is the city that nevers sleeps, and thus
everything which is possible for a city to do is done here 24 hours a day. What this also entails is the fact that New
York City is world's cultural center fait accompli - though not fully recognized by others...ie the proud French concerning
their Paris, or the Saudis/Arabs about their Medina.
New York City is actually the real city of nightlife, where knights and ladies of artistic venues proclaim their bulls
of favor and courtesies to those who wish to enter their various worlds of the arts. And since everything is included
in this mass of cultural varities, or vanities even if you like to hopsotch - hop, skip, and jump, there is someone with a
side walk just for you to play, along with the included colored jazzy chalks to outline the fancy squares on the concrete
sidewalk surface.
Opera, Music, Dance, Theatres, Movies, Multi Media Shows, and possibly the best food on Earth, even if you want it koshered
too, is all here too. So here is just taste, view, and gentle reflection of this great city.
Roger M. Christian
On this home page we'll introduce our web site's mission and highlight important areas
in New York City.
Here we may display a picture of this month's special:
Community Service Projects:
The Magic of the Internet working to raise consciousness.
Take Back The Night, RMC ~ New York City, New York: The next step in providing a platform of change aaand service focus within those business operations who are nightlife
events or nightclub venues providers. Especially to replace the tacky and thoughtless cheap promotionals of " Ladies Night."
New York City Social Calendars:
Social Calendar New York City Recommendations ~ Thank you.
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Editor's Notes: New York City NightLife, an at a glance New York City Night
Life ( NightLife ), RMC web site, is part of a web site collection which promotes the Inter - City Cultural Communications
web site program between selected cities and Ithaca, New York. Moreover, the is a greater expansion with the blogging
world and its significance in the future is in the efforts of several coporation's community investments in making available
blogging platforms - services open and free to the public; this gives every one an in on the Internet- both rich and poor
alike on equal level. This entire initiative was deliberately planned well in advance in as much as it was the chosen
critical path method by which to implemented on the Internet Intercultural Communications. Culture in its purity is
the beauty of life itself as expressed.
With this in mind, and by additional cities being covered in Europe, South America, Africa, Middle East, Asia, and
soon Australia the Intercultural Communications development behind this web site program becomes even more apparent.
The significance of which is that others through - out the world have their own set of value systems in which they have, within
the context of their own heritage, have similarly given expressions of living beauty known as culture.
By contributing to this effort you likewise are expressing a similar sense, or personal value of the greatness
of your own life. Entertainment has always been our community celebrations of enjoying our own lives.
In so doing Intercultural Communications is conflict preventioning.