
The folllowing site is who we are. Not the negative items in which most see and hear in the popular media.
We go on and invest ourselves in developing families who in most cases stands up for the betterment of our society.
The photos below were taken from the internet, and they represent those who are in a ministry, academics, and social leadership.
It is the positive agenda of our service in which we are more fully aware than most what is civic pride and the real costs
of keeping a democracy safe. Do not forget any of this America!

Proud to Serve.
The positive agenda.
This is an initiative of Mr. Roger M. Christian, VVA 377th, Dryden, and Ithaca, New York / email
trifalcondove@hotmail.com .
" Our mutual consciousness of giving is the act of maturity and of social courage. In the
course and records of the collected memories of those of us who have given in military service to our country and peoples
- the act of being proud by our service to our country ( this may also include VISTA and The Peace Corps ) and to have
done so with honor and integrity is also an act of that one stran of humility we need now to public'ly demonstrate! When one who has served at risk of ones own life and do so willingly demonstrates
the proof of what a democracy is and the humble character for which ' our ' courage is derived. Stand up and being proud
not only allows rapid integration to those who are in uniform back into American mainstream society, but signals to the
world the single evidence of their own human potentials by which they can establish and also, be likewise liberated
to become a democracy. It further establishes us as community and world leaders for peace
at the sametime. And thus we embrace the exportation, and by this single personal example alone, our
own authentic national character established by our own revolution of 1776. "
What this means is that we all have to think in positive
terms with regards to those of us who have served. Right now this veteran group, very much the Vietnam service - personel
are being likewise depicted on the internet in very negative and harsh terms. Thus we, those who have served must convey
the message " that we are proud to serve our country." .

On this home page, I'll introduce the veterans' focus, and relative ethos and our life styles and talk about
the central reasons for such a web site. I might put a picture service personel on this page...or just a picture
that may also represent a .....
Peace Corps Volunteer ( who in the wake of the terrorist dangers are likewise in Harm's
Way). While I was helping Congressman Claude Pepper on the Bill to create a full Executive Branch of Youth Affairs, during
the late 60s and early 70s, there was talk of Universal Service. Thus the item of The Peace Corps enters the picture,
in as much as during the years of the Draft - Selective Service, this organization did not suffer in obtaining dedicated Americans,
as it does now. The central reason why? They are likewise terrorists tragets.
What's New?
The social and cultural activities are in two sections:
Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC is one the club's focus [ by sponsoring Cafe' Baghdad ]. It is from this high profile initiative in which
local returning veterans, service men and women dependents, and supporters will have to opportunity to organize a social and
cultural programs, as well as seminars on Networking, Physical Fitness, Job Opportunities, Business Developments, and Special
Focus on the Family.
More importantly, it is to foster Inter - City Cultural Communications between the peoples of Ithaca, New York, and
Baghdad, Iraq. This will provide additional stream of news and information, while at the sametime fostering deep social
and cultural ties.
Remember basic tactics is to take the high, and in this case high social and moral ground locally.
The All American Dance Troupe of the 377th V.V.A. is where 12 to 18 Year old will develop a dance troupe by which local and national attention is placed on the continual
support of our service men and women, and their dependents. Moreover, the dance performances themselves are a fund raising
component for worth groups IE. Operation WE Care - which operates under the 377th V.V.A. title.

Operation Proud to Serve
103 West Seneca, Suite 206A
Ithaca, New York 14850
607 - 451 - 8663 |

Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. Beirut Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. Cairo Night Life
( NightLife ), RMC. Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ... Persian Gulf Veterans USA ~ Links Page . |
Economic and Futures Development:
Something new. Developing a veterans' credit union, and how to build one and what havng one can
be of extreme value for those who are veterans. Moreover, and with 43,800 residence of Tompkins county being veteran
related [ someone in the immediate family is a veteran ], this is almost a must. Especially when you consider this population
segment in the largest permenant voting block [ est. yr. 2000 @ 68% ] in
all of Central, New York. This is real potential economic power by a group of individuals who are not lax when it comes
to hard work or sacrafice-real people.

Join the Persian Gulf Veterans :
This Persian Gulf Veterans website is part of Operation Proud to Serve of Ithaca, New York.
This is to foster easy social and cultural reintegration of returning veterans to Ithaca -
Tompkins county, give support to local service men and women, as well as their families residing within Central New York.
Moreover, it is to assist in the development of additional support networks by promoting more social and cultural opportunities
at the same time.
Membership Application Form:
May " G - D " forbid. The day in which America forgets or attempts to slander our efforts in the service
of our country and peoples will be the day in which America will be longer. For on that hour, day, or year will
create the conditions for military dictatorship by force of arms.
Operation Proud to Serve.