Innovation and quality.
Founded in 1855, Elmira Female College was the first college in the world
to grant a baccalaureate degree to women, equal to those granted to men. Elmira College is known as the "mother of women's
colleges." (Elmira became co-educational in 1969.) Simeon Benjamin, known as "The Founder," was instrumental in the College's
location in Elmira, the growing commercial and cultural center of the Finger Lakes region.
Bloggers, Blog Sites, and Journals Academia
/ Academic Students - Scholars Clubs.

The International Students / Scholars Boards / Forums
Blogging network: Here is where you can obtain a more student view of the various Universities and Colleges campys
life by the students blogs, as well as the staff and faculty.
As per our talk: The growth of Google dot Com in obtaining published thesis [ shift from gray
white - getting lets say 15 out of 100 items published - in those published in 1996 to dark black - getting lets say
98 out of 100 published - since 2004 in concentration ] is based upon one Google's primary goals in attracting more
content qualified information. This represents a major shift in who is going to be the academic researched information
providers. Google or Public and Private Universities and Colleges. Right now in its present configuration which reflects
in public statements made by Google, the information google has already acquired it is in a far better position
in being an information provider than Cornell University. The implications of this will place in motion lost of
available grants, and researched funded projects and distortion of the sources of information giving a futuristic
picture of the expected lost of freedoms to information, and the political temptations to undermind individual liberities
as a result.
Presently, those who are now affected " must ' begin their own preventive measures. There are none
in existance which is public knowledge.