What are the ideals of Today?
Human Honors.: A WebSite which reflects on the humanist and human pioneers of the past in order for the emerging idealists of today can
find their own vocies and meanings.
Student Notes : This is like a collective notebook of the various experiences, writings, and at times funny things which has happen to
Students / Scholars.
Academia: Central WabPage about the academic culture of Ithaca, New York
Socials @ Cornell University & Ithaca College
Cornell Societies - This is a listings of societies which are either sponsored by Cornell University, affiliated, or who have co - sponsored
events both locally, or Internationally
Cornell University # 1 Blog - Cornell University Students / Scholars blog brings out one point in its mission internet publication. College years
are going to be the best years of your life
Cornell University Ebloggy - For archieval of Cornell University Public Press releases and original articles based upon reported information for distribution
throughout the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Internet Network.
The Ithaca Academic / Academia Directory - The careful selection of Universities and Colleges in a single directory which is part of a six plan of development
of the Night Lfie ( NightLife ), RMC InterCultural Communications Internet Network.
Ithaca Fashions: This is The Fashioning dot Com
forum in which I joined to assist your the Students / Scholars of the Academic culture of Ithaca, New York to likewise join
and interact with a larger wolld whose central focus is Fashions
New York City Fashions and Trendsetters: " Whats resent is always top conversation for those who love to shop for the latest fashions. this site covers this
aspect of society's more easy ways of life.
International Students - Scholars Intercultural Resources Promotions WebSite: This is to broaded
the central website already published to connect International Students / Scholars with the social and political associations
within their region where they study.
New York City " The Big Apple"
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Join " Our " International InterCutlrual Communications Forum and make a real significant difference.

Miss Soyama Reece |
Welcome to New York City!
New York City is the place where everyone wants to visit, revisit, and visit again. The historic sociocultural
investments have created an atomsphere of total cultural artistic freedom as every second this is seen on the streets'
nightlife scene. No one is allowed to be judgemental of anothers idenity, especially in one's individual artistic
choices according to the prevailing un'written social - code of New York City's ethnicities of honor.
With commuter traffic crammedjam-packed full subway trains, passenger conversations covering everything to what GaGa
is wearing to what Bloomberg is planning below while on the streets above bumber to bumber traffic, along with cabbies sticking
their heads out and screeming for more room, have created the social reality of keeping ones persona cool, if not
then take a pill, and not to grip when it rains. Then in a flash suddenly space has openned up and
one is able to reach one's intended destination to New York City's NightLife and ones is propelled into an environment of
total entertainment freedom. Space here is everything, both in area - range and emotions, a real and
at times a desparate thirst which is like water to a desert nomad.
Thus living in New York City has a cultural norm of being as unique as you want; this is what the city's
entertainers professionally focuses on to meet the resulting expectations created for you to enjoy their performances;
and really works as ones discovers that creativity is impossible for anyone to control. Thus " let it fly
" leads the city's population aspirations' into a frenze of pride.
In every turn of a couple of blocks of walking the city's streets you are virtually traveling into
a new country. This has created the most superb part of the finer selection of food and restaurants. You can taste foods
from all around the world at the best world renown restaurants. Every ethnic group in the world has replica culturesountries
which gives you a flavor of thierere edible cultures.
Fashions in New York is not only a statement, it's visualities is a highly emotional opate.
Once one gets started an affected unusual physhic sensation of it becoming increasingly habit forming is
immediately noted. Especially in what fashions models are wearing at the hangouts in and around Park Avenue; the street
scene become visual candy and every year its just gets sweeter. This spills into the theater / theatre districts of Broadway
along with ever leashed smaller versions of man's best friend, while their owners' clothed in the latest item of whose
who, carrying small plastic bags.
Mix in to this scene a completely total investment in awsome and at time extreme architectual visions
of ever increasingly taller buildings, the backdrop of the city has fully established the visual proof of the creative ends
of the city's independent civilization manifest destiny. It can only go up. Along with a rememberance of tragedy
of the Twin Towers, the city's fathers have established the will of the city's people to fight back in the creative visions
invested in the emerging even greater structures to fill in of what was taken from the city's humanities with a united
civic will, stated in the architectual designs of the World's Trade Center, " that we as New Yorkers are going to stay
really alive."
Then as the night approaches.......The magic awaits.....Tickets are now being sold......Lovely gals apply
their perfumes....Guys count whats in their wallet....
New York City's nightlife comes alive in total; rushes and depicts several varied scenes of awsome action highlighted
lights and showy luster of the entertainers, and event promoters. This is just a taste of what really goes on.
Moreover, this is the city that nevers sleeps. It's heart beats of International diveristies as everyone awaiting their
turn to perform, cook, or sell their latest fashions design for your pleasures, and thus everything is not impossible
for a city to do is done here 24 hours a day. What this also entails is the fact that New York City is world's cultural
center fait accompli - though not fully recognized by others who then comes to New York City to complain...ie the proud French declaring
New York City can not compete with their Paris, or the Saudis/Arabs their Medina.
New York City is actually the real city, if not the inventor of nightlife, as it was here where Edison created the
innovative wonder of night lights, creating the stage where knights and ladies of artistic venues proclaim their bulls
of favor and courtesies to those who wish to enter their various worlds of the arts. And since everything is included
in this mass of cultural varities, or vanities even if you like to hopsotch - hop, skip, and jump, there is someone with a
side walk just for you to play, along with the included colored jazzy chalks to outline the fancy squares on the concrete
sidewalk surface.
Opera, Music, Dance, Theatres, Movies, Multi Media Shows, and possibly the best food on Earth, even if you want it koshered
too, is all here too. So here is just taste, view, and gentle reflection of this great city.
The Five Boroughs of New York City, and the descriptives of their individual
Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC scenes.
Roger M. Christian On this home page we'll introduce our web site's mission and highlight important areas
in New York City.
New York City's Leading Events
ithacafalcon@aol.com ~ Thank you.
Information Please: New York City
New York City Night Life ( NightLife
), RMC
New York City Festivals