Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
Leadership - National - International
The Ithaca Cultural Directory
The International Cultural Fiesta Movement
Main WebSite. Click on the lovely women with the black hat!
Ithaca's Art Scene.
The city of Ithaca, New York has one the highest per-capital of art galleries, studios and artist when compared to mjor
urban centers. Moreover, on several second floor art studios linning the towndown section of the Ithaca Commons art
has overflowed to the shops below. Thus making downtown Ithaca, the Ithaca Commons businesses, themselves, mini art
An academic center.
The city of Ithaca, New York has one the world top Ivy League institutions of higher education. Cornell University, a
research pedagogy. Moreover, and in keeping with it's music teaching roots, Ithaca College, a teaching pedagogy has
made Ithaca a city of music too! Along with both TC3 and Empire State University, the city of Ithaca has become a major
centr of learning.
The New Emerging Ithaca Theatre / Theatre District:
Central New York's fastests growing theater / theatre
center of Ithaca, New York. The State Theater / Theatre is now booking nationally known
talent such as Whoopie Goldberg. Hanger and The Kitchen Theatres are now nearly sold out at each performance, and there is
construction of new theaters at the Historic Downtown Ithaca Commons. Along with the fastest growing Hotel and Inns
industry of the State of New York at Tompkins county, many are folking to Ithaca for its scenic beauty, excellent restaurants
and top level entertainment too!