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Modeling Registry Washington DC |

Georgetown University Alumni & Student Federal Credit Union
The Leading central student control organization...
Nation's Largest Student-Run Credit Union Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Washington, D.C. -- This year the Georgetown University Alumni & Student Federal Credit Union (GUASFCU) celebrates
its 25th anniversary as a federally charted credit union. Founded in 1983, GUASFCU has grown into the largest entirely student-run
financial institution in the United States. Situated on the Georgetown University campus, its current membership base is split
between students and alumni, with over 70 percent of the current undergraduate population holding accounts. GUASFCU has over
$10.4 million in assets and over 11,000 accounts; additionally, it retains a loan portfolio of approximately $1.8 million,
consisting of signature and auto loans.
"For the last 25 years, the Georgetown University Alumni & Student Federal Credit Union has served not only as the
premier financial institution for the Georgetown community, but also as a center of learning," said Cyril Vergis,
chief executive officer of GUASFCU and a senior finance and international business major from Hamden, Conn. "Accordingly,
both reputational and financial successes stem from these two missions, and will continue to propel and sustain GUASFCU as
the largest and most successful student-run credit union in the United States for years to come."
The idea of creating a student-run credit union at Georgetown developed in the spring of 1982. At the same time, the National
Credit Union Administration was exploring efforts to promote the credit union concept to a younger population. From these
combined interests, Georgetown became the first private university to have an independent, student-run credit union. Initial
capital was raised by hundreds of students who pledged a total of approximately $500,000 in deposits, as well as a certificate
of deposit by Georgetown University for $100,000.
By 1985, total asset levels exceeded $1,000,000. In 1994, the Credit Union changed its name from the Georgetown University
Student Federal Credit Union (GUASFCU) to the Georgetown University Alumni & Student Federal Credit Union (GUASFCU) to
better represent its growing alumni base. Throughout the years, GUASFCU's most important asset has been its people; it remains
entirely student-run with over 150 interns. Many students who worked with GUASFCU have gone on to pursue post-graduate careers
in the financial services field around the world.
Today, GUASFCU offers a wide variety of services that tailor to
the needs of its members. In addition to free checking and savings accounts and Visa CheckCards, members are offered free
access to online banking and billpay, as well as the Allpoint ATM Network, which provides 32,000 surcharge-free ATMs nationwide.
Additionally, GUASFCU originates electronic transfers into member accounts free of charge.
About Georgetown University
Georgetown University is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit university in America, founded in 1789 by Archbishop John Carroll.
Georgetown today is a major student-centered, international, research university offering respected undergraduate, graduate
and professional programs on its three campuses in Washington, DC. For more information about Georgetown University, visit
Georgetown University: Students / Scholars Clubs

Welcome to The Georgetown Univesity: Students / Scholars Clubs WebSite and the affiliate
networks involved!
Washington DC and its academic institutions are known for its strategic value in diplomatic
and foreign policy research and the training of some of the leading foreign service personel in America [ Not to
mention the traditional career competitions between Georgetown and American University grads ]. Moreover, and likewise
just as important in further services, it has provided to the various world wide embassy personel who were likewise
students attending various classes a closer and more better of view of what makes America what we are.. Thus the valued
academic services, and the close networking with the seat of America's social, cultural, economic, spiritual ( IE. Wesley
Theological Seminary ), and political power makes the combination of these institutions one of the leading academic centers
of the world. |
This is an extension of Washington DC Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC in which to developed a consumerist advocacy among Georgetown University students in which to discover students
needs for goods and services, as well as off - campus social activities. This includes organizing off
- campus student run organizations from Georgetown University, American University, Howard University, and George Washington
Univsity, among others, are its base memberships [ coalition of students ].
Dangers: [ from an email with Cornell University ]
As per our talks: The growth of Google dot Com in obtaining published thesis [ shift from gray white - getting
lets say 15 out of 100 items published - in those published in 1996 to dark black - getting lets say 98 out of 100 published
- since 2004 in concentration ] is based upon one Google's primary goals in attracting more content qualified information.
This represents a major shift in who is going to be the academic researched information providers. Google or Public
and Private Universities and Colleges. Right now in its present configuration which reflects in public statements
made by Google, the information google has already acquired it is in a far better position in being an information
provider than Cornell University. The implications of this will place in motion lost of available grants, and researched funded
projects and distortion of the sources of information giving a futuristic picture of the expected lost of freedoms
to information, and the political temptations to undermind individual liberities as a result.
Presently, those who
are now affected " must ' begin their own preventive measures. There are none in existance which is public knowledge
Ithaca College Students Takes the Lead. |

See Story Short " click on " |

Love Encounters Videos ~ Stock Footage;Medium shot young couple playing chess, laughing and kissing / Prague,
Czech Republic 1001 ~ Stock Footage;slow motion young couple running on beach 1002 ~ Stock Footage;slow motion silhouette of teen couple holding hands + cuddling at sunset 1003 ~ Stock Footage;CANTED MS PORTRAIT wedding couple hugging + groom kissing bride on cheek outdoors 1004 ~ Incurable Love **** 1005 ~ 1006 ~ 1007
Got a student club which sponsors weekly events and want community participation?
Then goto the Academia, Ithaca, New York Social Calendar and post them on the interactive Internet form
here . Moreover, as the academia base of the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC increases, then you will be able
to see what is going on other campuses Locally, Nationally, and Internationally. A great way to plan future visits and
meet people with similar academic experiences and beliefs.

Wild of The Falcon and Doves Dance Troupe . The audition moto of this dance troupe is Experience helpful, but note necessary, in as much as each member is auditioned
for which assigned division - Amateur - Pro Amateur - Professional. A full cultural affirmative developmental program
Social Extractions:
Off campus activities offer a broader range of social and cultural opportunities which are not present on
campus. Moreover, the connections between personal aspirations and testing ones abilities to manisfest these aspirations
in both social and cultural marketable terms are impelling factors to participate off campus. The limitations for on
campus activities are in their dynamics are driven by administrative anxieites. Where as limitations for off campus
activities are solely determined by both market dynamics and rule of law, and their internal safety systems of legal
redress and relief

Advise - Perspective:
You are at an important time of your life, the University College years. It is during your education that you
enjoy something call academic freedom. Thus thoughts, ideals, abstractual thinking, and creative processes are more
important than, at times, actual realities.
Your personal character, your physical being, including your sexuality, the youthful right to be silly and
fun loving, and the leading factor why you are getting an education should all be given equal weight. The reason,
and more importantly the emotional instincts which you are feeling during these years, is that in American culture this can
only be experienced under the protective cloak of academia's IVY of academic freedoms;
the essence of you coming face to face, cautiously, with your own consciousness, well being, and future social, cultural,
economic, and spiritual expectations after campus life, all the while having the best fun in your life.
Thus, and in complete understanding of all what was commented on, my advise is to never forget the commonality of
the human quality of humility, and be kinder, in personal infraspection, to others around you during this time.
Mr. Roger M. Christian / Kidon ben Avramchaim

Whats happening?
Ask yourself this.
Want to travel and more often ? Do you want other fellow
students / scholars through out the world to know what Ithaca College life is really about ?
Then the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Network has the established
network internet power [ via webpage rankings page one ] base to let it happen-virtually overnight. Those who have
already traveled have the on hand experiences and based upon those experiences,this is an important resource of information, and
once compiled with several others, then costs will likewise go down for others to follow-as your knowledge of where the best
deals are will be reported on these sites..
Online students / scholars - users of Buffalo State
College , this is where you can get involve right from you very own lap top, library computer, office, or home
in both privacy and comfort. If you have information or online photos relating to the various websites being developed,
then you are the exact person we are looking for. More importantly, if you look at the left side website menu
bar you will see a menu of other items we are looking for. Sort of like a cleaner internet version of graffiti
on the internet, but with several little interesting sociocultural twist. Thus you are being given an outlet to let others
in this area of 15 square miles surrounded by reality what you want others locally and through-out the world to
known about student academia - culture.
Objectively, many have long since known that beauty is Liberation.
This high-lighted the 70's. Why? See " IVY" advise on this site. Subjectively,
recently beauty is often curtailed by political dulls. However, in a world of increased safety with respects to gender,
political rationals of the past really do not have a place in this new era of America. So one of the focus of this site is
Liberation-thus clean Pin Ups based upon your advise are also encouraged.
In depth:
None the less, this is the travel and information resource internet
clearing house on service and socio-cultural events website for students/ scholars within selected and suggested
cities - communities. They start on page one and goes through page four, as the left side menu
bar indicates. Moreover, and through the online interactive forms on this site, an information gathering
focus-website process is also included with the overall mission of this website.. Here information is solicited from
online users about selected communities, the social sphere of campus life and what additional cities - communities should
be included in the growing Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Inter - City Cultural Communications website program,
the heart of the Nght Life ( NightLife ), RMC Network..
It is how the social sphere conveys of what you are doing or interests
are, where others world wide will be able see, and sense campus life at Ithaca College, and who then will likewise prompted
by us, as a result of your participation to share in return.
The specifics of which is, and always will be the following
focus - mission.
An Inter - City Cultural Communications website program between
selected citiies and Ithaca, New York. This is especially designed for the Student / Scholar, as well as the Budget Traveller.
Moreover, it is to promote International cultural democracy. This translates into a series of networking, Inter - City
in scope - websites which are based upon the principles of cultural democracy, and family centered in content.
This is International conflict prevention.
RMC / 8-17-2006
The Sociopolitical Scope: |
Social Extractions:
Off campus activities offer a broader range of social and cultural opportunities which are not present on
campus. Moreover, the connections between personal aspirations and testing ones abilities to manisfest these aspirations
in both social and cultural marketable terms are impelling factors to participate off campus. The limitations for on
campus activities are in their dynamics are driven by administrative anxieites. Where as limitations for off campus
activities are solely determined by both market dynamics and rule of law, and their internal safety systems of legal
redress and relief |
International Scholars for 2008 - 2009 Awarded |
Washington, D.C. - Five Georgetown University undergraduate students were awarded David L. Boren Undergraduate
Scholarships by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) to support study abroad for the 2008-2009
academic year. In addition, eight Georgetown graduate students received NSEP Boren Graduate Fellowships.
The scholarships are awarded to American students to study world regions critical to U.S. interests, including Africa, Asia,
Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East.
“This unique study abroad experience
creates an opportunity for students to learn foreign languages in critical geographic areas around the world,” said
Kathy Bellows, director of the Office of International Programs. “We are thrilled
for the Georgetown students who received Boren scholarships this year and wish them all success.”
Boren Scholarships
are intended to provide support to U.S. graduate and undergraduate students who will pursue the study of languages and cultures
currently underrepresented in study abroad and essential to U.S. national security. The program includes a service requirement
that recipients pursue work in the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, State, the Intelligence Community, or another
U.S. federal department or agency with national security responsibilities.
Georgetown’s 2008 Boren Undergraduate Scholarship recipients include:
Catherine Brennan (SFS ‘10), an International History major from Raleigh, N.C., will be studying
at the McGhee Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies in Alanya, Turkey this fall 2008.
Timothy Doherty
(SFS ‘11), an International Relations major from Sim Valley, Calif., will be studying in Morocco this summer 2008.
Frohman (SFS ‘10), an International Politics major from Bloomington, Ind., will be studying Mandarin at the
Harbin Institute of Technology in Harbin, China (P.R.C.) this fall 2008.
Leah Wolfthal (SFS ‘09),
a Peace and Conflict Resolution major from Tempe, Ariz., will be studying Arabic at the American University in Cairo, Egypt
this summer and fall 2008.
Erin Yiu (COL ‘10), a Spanish major and Portuguese minor from Hong
Kong, will be studying at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil for the entire 2008-2009 academic
Georgetown’s 2008 Boren Graduate Fellowship recipients include:
Michael Bagrosky (G ‘09),
a graduate student in Development Management and Policy from Columbia, Md., will be studying Portuguese and Spanish at the
Universidad Nacional de San Martín of Argentina (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina this fall 2008. He will also be studying
Portuguese at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this spring 2009.
Helfrich (G ‘09), a graduate student in Democracy and Governance from Heidelberg, Germany, will be studying
Azerbaijani in Baku, Azerbaijan this fall 2008.
Sarah Mason (G ‘10), a graduate student in
the Liberal Studies program concentrating in International Affairs from Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., will be studying Swahili at
Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda and conducting research for her master’s thesis on Ugandan foreign policy for
the entire 2008-2009 academic year.
Nathaniel Mathews (G ‘09), a graduate student in International
History from Champaign, Ill., will be studying Arabic at the Polyglot Institute in Muscat, Oman this fall 2008.
Pitts (G ‘09), a graduate student in History from Greensboro, N.C., will be studying Arabic in Damascus, Syria
and Beirut, Lebanon this fall 2008.
Megan Sobel (G ‘09), a graduate student in International
Affairs from Cherry Hill, N.J., will be studying Arabic at the American University in Cairo's Arabic Language Institute in
Cairo, Egypt for the entire 2008-2009 academic year.
Miki Wilkins (G ‘09), a graduate student
in Democracy and Governance from Georgetown, Texas, will be studying Arabic at the University of Damascus in Damascus, Syria
for the entire 2008-2009 academic year.
Sarah Yerkes (G ‘11), a Ph.D. student in the Department
of Government from Columbus, Ohio, will be studying Arabic and democratization in the Arab world in Fes, Morocco this summer
About Georgetown University
Georgetown University is the oldest and largest Catholic and Jesuit university in America, founded in 1789 by Archbishop
John Carroll. Georgetown today is a major student-centered, international, research university offering respected undergraduate,
graduate and professional programs in Washington, DC, Doha, Qatar and around the world. For more information about Georgetown
University, visit
| |

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What are the ideals of Today?
Human Honors.: A WebSite which reflects on the humanist and human pioneers of the past in order for the emerging idealists of today can
find their own vocies and meanings.
Student Notes : This is like a collective notebook of the various experiences, writings, and at times funny things which has happen to
Students / Scholars.
Academia: Central WabPage about the academic culture of Ithaca, New York.
Ithaca Wedding Album ( Sampler ) is a sample of how your wedding should be set up and celebrated by acknowledged consultants world wide.
Socials @ Cornell University & Ithaca College
Cornell Societies - This is a listings of societies which are either sponsored by Cornell University, affiliated, or who have co - sponsored
events both locally, or Internationally
Cornell University # 1 Blog - Cornell University Students / Scholars blog brings out one point in its mission internet publication. College years
are going to be the best years of your life
Cornell University Ebloggy - For archieval of Cornell University Public Press releases and original articles based upon reported information for distribution
throughout the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Internet Network.
The Ithaca Academic / Academia Directory - The careful selection of Universities and Colleges in a single directory which is part of a six plan of development
of the Night Lfie ( NightLife ), RMC InterCultural Communications Internet Network.
Ithaca Fashions: This is The Fashioning dot
Com forum in which I joined to assist your the Students / Scholars of the Academic culture of Ithaca, New
York to likewise join and interact with a larger wolld whose central focus is Fashions
New York City Fashions and Trendsetters: " Whats resent is always top conversation for those who love to shop for the latest fashions. this site covers this
aspect of society's more easy ways of life.